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Inside Deutschland

Day 4 is here! The days in Berlin are probably the longest days I have ever experienced. The sun starts to come up around 4:45 am, and for someone who doesn't sleep until 3am I only get about an hour and a half of complete darkness. Then Im up at 9 to start the day. With the lack of sleep I still feel the excitement for the insight and beauty of Berlin

Lets begin day four, first we met with David Rocks who is a Bloomberg editor. It was very interesting to hear how he got into this career, and the fact that his major in college wasn’t in photo journalism at all, but he made it into something so big. We then made our way to Reichstag, a government building. As we made our way through the Reichstag Dom to the top climbing the spiral ramp, we listened to audio about the history of building we were seeing along the way.

We had a few hours of free time and I took this opportunity to capture the beauty of the Berliner Dom.

When it was time for dinner most the group met up to take a train far out to east Berlin to have a dinner at a restaurant in the middle of the lake. It took us about 45 minutes to get there including a nice walk through a park, to only find out that the restaurant is closed on Mondays. Along the way there were many Berliners just hanging out enjoying the view. This scene caught my eye because the simple beauty in it. A mother and son bonding, taking a short bike ride to enjoy the perfect Berlin weather, and a basket filled with lunch.

Day 5 and 6 didn’t have many opportunities for pictures. But we did go to this amazing show at the Friedrichstadt-Palast Berlin. It was a mixture of completely weird and beautiful. They’re costumes were unlike anything I had ever seen before. There were no pictures allowed during the performance but it is one that will never leave my memory. We then explored the Berlin night life at a bar which was pretty similar to any bar you’d go to anywhere.

Day six consisted of meeting with big time New York illustrator Christoph Neimann. We got to take a look inside his studio and understand the depth that goes into each work of art he publishes. He is so effortlessly creative that I can understand why he is where he is today. Listening to him and understanding his ways to each published art piece opened up my eyes to the details of what really goes into the magazines and books.

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